Everyone, meet Zach! 
Recently Joslin’s celebrated their 45th anniversary with an intimate gathering at its brick-and-mortar location – a place that has served its community loyally for so many years. Read the details here! Several customers were in attendance, and Zach H. was one of them!
Zach discovered one of Joslin’s best jewelry lines during the engagement party – our Benchmark rings for men!
Joslin’s Benchmark Rings for Men
This tastefully masculine line of wedding rings comes in a variety of metal band choices, including tantalum. You can discover which metal band would suit you best here! The Benchmark mens’ rings at Joslin’s come in a wide selection of styles from classic solid rings to intricately carved patterns.
Learn more about these top-quality mens’ rings here!
Joslin’s friendly employee, Debbie, spotted Zach perusing the rings, and of course, offered to help. Debbie sized Zach’s finger so he would have recent and accurate sizing for any future purchases. Soon the two were discussing what kind of ring would suit Zach best – style, color, and all!
We’re so glad we get to help customers discover something new that better suits their style – and budget! Interested in perusing our excellent mens’ rings for yourself? Drop by the store or browse away online now!
Thanks, Zach for being an incredible customer! We look forward to serving you in the years to come!