Gary Joslin is a man of many different passions – from crafting custom jewelry, to building and racing fast cars, to crafting fountains from boulders! Next up on Gary’s list of cool hobbies – collecting rare crystals!
When you visit Joslin’s Jewelry for the first time you quickly become aware you’re not in a typical shopping mall jewelry store. All of the shiny-sparkly items in the showcases will certainly grab your attention, but it would also nearly be impossible to miss the many large and bright crystals perched on pedestals and counter throughout the store. Curious? Who better to ask about the crystals than Gary Joslin? According to Gary:
“I didn’t want to have a sterile, boring jewelry store. I wanted to fill my store with beautiful collectibles that everyone can come in and enjoy! These are cool pieces that will last a lifetime and I want people to be able to learn about them and love them as much as I do.”
How did Gary’s fascination with Crystals begin? Gary says he was inspired by his mother to collect these unique natural relics many years ago – and he hasn’t stopped since! By displaying these stunning one-of-a-kind crystals Gary aims to make the jewelry shopping experience that much more special and unique. And it seems to be working. In fact, many visitors have commented that the crystals give the store a positive and uplifting energy boost, making the space that much more welcoming and comfortable for customers. Keep reading to learn more about a few of Gary’s favorite crystals!
Color-Changing Crystal Lamp
This giant crystal, which weighs in at close to 100 lbs., is one of the most striking in the whole store. Gary found this particular beauty camped out on the floor of one of his favorite shops to visit when he goes to Vail, Colorado – Lionshead Jewelers. The proprietor of the store imports his crystals direct from South America, where they are found deep within mines or caves.
To visually amplify the natural angles and shapes within the crystal Gary hollowed it out and added a color-changing light to its core. As the light shifts between various hues, different areas of the crystal seem to magically come to life! Gary especially likes when it glows green, saying it looks like large chunk of kryptonite! (Superman, beware!)
Natural Onyx Lamp
Sitting on a bookshelf in a corner of Gary’s office, is what can only be describe as an awesome onyx lamp! The Onyx has been cut and beveled into the shape of a large cube and carefully mounted to stand on one point. Inside the hollowed-out center of the onyx is an LED light that causes the crystal to emit a soft, inviting glow – while also illuminating the unique black stripes that course throughout the cube.
(Those with eagle eyes might notice a few mushroom-shaped objects on the shelves directly below the stunning lamp. These are hand-turned, walnut works of art – created by Gary on his lathe! Stay tuned to this space for a future story about Gary’s woodworking skills!)
Amethyst Lava Tube Floor Lamp
Gary’s amethyst lava tube floor lamp is one of the most striking, and largest, pieces in his collection. Some might be familiar with geodes (spherical rocks with hollow cavities) and the beautiful crystal formations found within them. A lava tube is much like a geode, except larger and elongated. Gary’s lava tube is completely lined with striking purple quartz crystals – also known as amethyst!
When Gary purchased this stunning crystal it had unfortunately been broken into three pieces. Undeterred, Gary was able to salvage the lava tube and rejoin its separate pieces. Gary added 22 LED lights within the lava tube, added a clear panel for protection and created a polished walnut base as a perch for the piece – turning it into a bona fide work of art!

Glass Cube Sculptures
Atop on of the store’s display case sits an ultra-reflective and colorful sculpture that is quite unique – in fact it’s something Gary had never seen before he found this one – or since! He found the cube sculpture while traveling with his mother in Maui. An aerospace engineer turned artist created these incredible pieces by applying a special metal finish to the glass cubes – a finish used on space shuttle windows. The finish lends the glass stunning refractive and reflective qualities that suggest all colors of the rainbow. Every viewing angle of the sculpture reveals a fresh and captivating perspective – making it hard to resist staring again and again into the shining cubes!
Pink Quartz
This stunning crystal is Gary’s newest acquisition – a large pink quartz! He found this blush beauty at a favorite rock-shop near Table Rock Lake. This striking crystal has a delicate, soft surface and an interesting, almost flame-like shape. The owner of the shop told Gary this particular crystal was not for sale – but Gary was persistent and was ultimately able to convince the owner that the quartz would have a happy home on display along with the rest of Gary’s fascinating collection. Gary has plans to hollow the quartz out and add LED lights inside to illuminate the crystal allowing its pink color to come glowing to life!